
We create value by linking wood product manufacturers with end-users and distributors. Besides marketing and sales representation, we offer a full range of services that include quality control, logistics, and advice in manufacturing. From multiple sources, such as Europe, North America, and South America, we supply our
Partners in the United States, in China, in Japan, and in other Asian markets.


Vanport has decades of experience in softwood export, with established relationships in countries across the globe. We staff native speakers of English, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese, capable of handling the entire shipment to ensure your product arrives on time.

Manufacturer Representation

Vanport brings expertise in sawmilling, lumber grading, and quality control on-site, ensuring the quality of the products it represents and markets.


  • Container Stuffing
  • Overseas Shipping
  • Export Certification & Documentation
  • Lumber Quality Control


It all starts with the log. This is our approach to sawmilling. If you are considering cutting for export, give us a call. Our team will analyze the potential of initiating a program at your mill.

Our Products

The core of Vanport’s business is softwood lumber. Supplying for both metric and imperial markets, our focus is supplying consistently high-quality forest products. The majority of our products consist of Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, various Pines, and softwood species that are plantation-grown or native to the Western US, Canada, Europe, and South America. In many cases, Vanport provides the producer an established proprietary grade rule for export lumber manufactured to the customer’s specification.” We oversee the quality standards for grade, moisture content, size tolerance, and general appearance. Vanport also offers custom cutting programs, cutting to order, and custom drying of specialty products.